Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time?-Share Birthday Dinners

Last night we had the opportunity to attend Spring Hill Baptist Church in Granville, Ohio. My cousin Mark is the Student Pastor there. We had a great time at church and then went back to their house for a late dinner. Like all good Baptists, we ate and visited at the same time.
As our plan was to drive through the night (a 13 hour drive), we left their home a little before 11:00 p.m.

We weren't on the road but a few minutes when Emily requested the use of my phone. She said she wanted to practice with "Swype", something we just discovered on Tuesday evening. I handed her my phone and instructed her to send her mother an email.
The following email is what Karen received when we arrived home...

So I went on this crazy vacation
and ate hamburgs from hamburger station
Climbed rocks with a thousand foot drop and stood on the Chimney Tops.
Went to dinner at TGI Friday's;*
and had way too many goodbye-days.
Got lessons from great uncle Bill:
Now that I can play, I will.
Had my hair pulled by cute little cousins
Ate sweetened foods by the dozens,
met people I didn't know before
Slept multiple times on the floor.
No one even said that I snore.
Drank pop (and cold apple cider)
Told my sister I didn't want to fight her
Asked Papa to "swype" the word phloem
And lastly composed this dumb poem!

 * On a personal note - The dinner at TGI Friday's was gifted to us (as a bribe) to encourage us to sit through a two hour time-share presentation. We received a $30.00 dinner voucher and a $30.00 visa card. This fed our family of five, bought Kaylin's birthday brownie, covered the taxes (10%) and the tip, and left us + $4.91  on the card!


  1. That girl just keeps discovering new talents!!

  2. I LOVE this poem!! It just about says it all--and in such an entertaining way! Emily, you are blessed with so many talents.

  3. Love it! (Google-in Swype right now . . .) LOL
