Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Thumbs Up

Yesterday I wrote a post on my phone in order to keep everyone up to date on what had been going on in our lives. It took me 90 minutes to write the post on the phone keyboard. In truth, I was interrupted by a couple of emergency calls (I was at the fire station) so I didn't actually spend quite that much time typing. It did however give me a new appreciation for the speed with which many people text. As I was all thumbs last night, I have decided it is much faster to type with 8 fingers. Last night I had titled the post "Thumbs Up". Today I have edited the title (you'll see why in a minute).
The most disappointing aspect was that when I finally finished typing and tried to publish the post, the post published a blank page. Seriously, the only thing that showed up on the blog was the title. The body of the post was blank.
Today I am sitting in my home office with a little time to try it again. This time I am using my home computer, my chair is reclined, my feet are on the desk (sorry mom), and I am typing with a full size wireless keyboard in my lap. This is not only more comfortable than typing on my little phone keyboard, it also is done with very little use of the thumbs. My left thumb goes unused and my right thumb hits the space bar between every word. Believe it or not, I never noticed that before.
Now that you've read this post you know how I felt last night after my posting attempt failed. I felt like the previous few minutes were a total waste of time...

1 comment:

  1. You're apologizing for putting your feet on your desk?! You're kidding, right??!! Hey--it's your desk, and you are king of your home! Kick up your heels and enjoy it any way you see fit!
