As I leave for church this morning I can't help but think of my father. I am so thankful for the dad that the Lord has given me. A dad that loves Jesus and lives out his beliefs. I am thankful that I never had to wonder if dad really believed the things that he taught us because he modeled it every day. The Bible instructs parents to rear their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. What a blessing it is to the children whose dads faithfully follow that instruction!
I look forward to this Father's Day. I still have the blessing of being able to spend time with my earthly father. In fact, all four of his sons (my three brothers and I) will eat lunch with him this afternoon. As I reflect on our experiences together, a favorite memory of mine comes to mind. You are welcome to read it by following the link (or copying it and pasting it in your browser) at the bottom of this post.
Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you,
I love this story--and it never failes to make me laugh when I read it! You have a great way of making word pictures that ignite the imagination and make us see it as it was! Thanks for sharing...again!