Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Two Thumbs Up
The most disappointing aspect was that when I finally finished typing and tried to publish the post, the post published a blank page. Seriously, the only thing that showed up on the blog was the title. The body of the post was blank.
Today I am sitting in my home office with a little time to try it again. This time I am using my home computer, my chair is reclined, my feet are on the desk (sorry mom), and I am typing with a full size wireless keyboard in my lap. This is not only more comfortable than typing on my little phone keyboard, it also is done with very little use of the thumbs. My left thumb goes unused and my right thumb hits the space bar between every word. Believe it or not, I never noticed that before.
Now that you've read this post you know how I felt last night after my posting attempt failed. I felt like the previous few minutes were a total waste of time...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
All Wet
On my way to work this morning it was still a blinding rain outside. I was driving about 20 mph BELOW the speed limit. Many places in the road were covered with several inches of water because the storm drains couldn't keep up. Through it all I couldn't help but be reminded of the power of our God.
The news these days is full of stories about local flooding. People are posting pictures and videos of the high water. As a believer it can't help but make one think of the Biblical account of the flood in Genesis. I know the water we are experiencing is nothing compared to the fountains of the deep being broken open and the water standing 15 cubits above the highest mountains, yet even this relatively little water is a wonderful way for God to emphasize his glory. I had no thoughts on my drive in about the rain being a hassle or even an inconvenience, only thoughts about the greatness of our God. What an awesome God we worship!
And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud: And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My Father's Day
I look forward to this Father's Day. I still have the blessing of being able to spend time with my earthly father. In fact, all four of his sons (my three brothers and I) will eat lunch with him this afternoon. As I reflect on our experiences together, a favorite memory of mine comes to mind. You are welcome to read it by following the link (or copying it and pasting it in your browser) at the bottom of this post.
Happy Father's Day Dad, I love you,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Evolution theory and faith
A June 15 editorial, “Right tone on standards,” interested me. The editorial indicated it was wise for the Nebraska Board of Education to include only the theory of evolution and give no place to intelligent design in its state science standards.
Scientists say that spontaneous generation (nonliving matter producing living matter) cannot now occur. Yet, they are forced to believe it did occur ages ago without any intelligence involved and that it produced the complexities of the DNA we have today.
Someone said it is unbelievable what nonbelievers have to believe in order to be nonbelievers.
Sorry, but I don’t have enough faith to be an evolutionist.
Harold J. Berry, Holdrege, Neb.
Here is what all of the hubub in the next two posts (and this one) is about...
Still Barely Readable
Evolution is a safe curriculum
A June 13 news story, “Standards keep evolution on books,” amounted to this: Evolution is the undisputed unifying theory of biology, but let’s retread old emotional and religious debates about how intelligent design is not even in the conversation (thankfully).
Why not focus on how the stork theory of reproduction hasn’t been proposed as a standard lately? Or how about the smite theory of disease? Or even the geocentric model of our solar system? The best quote in the story, “I’ve had zero contact from anyone (regarding intelligent design),” came from a state standards committee member.
It’s best that those offering opinions and news coverage on this issue try to adhere to an old saying: Only speak if you can improve upon the silence. Rattling fundamentalist cages isn’t helping school board members or biology teachers. It just wastes time and taxpayer money.
John Morley, Omaha
Oh, and the second article? Well, before I share it clearly, I hope you'll enjoy the article that prompted it. Here it is...
I object to Nebraska standards
Never mind whether intelligent design should be taught in the public schools. It should not. The question is whether neo-Darwinist theories, which are based more on theory than fact, should be taught.
There are numerous gaping holes in the current evolutionary theories, which are most often glossed over or never mentioned to high school biology students.
Why is it still being taught that the first life on Earth simply assembled itself at random from some kind of self-replicating molecule in an unspecified chemical process?
There are no self-replicating molecules outside of living organisms! No scientist on Earth has a single shred of factual evidence showing how a lifeless chemical could have evolved into a living organism.
So isn’t that faith, or a philosophical belief system, now being taught in the public schools? I certainly object to the Nebraska state scientific standards as they are written.
Glenn Simonsen, Omaha
Now for the article that I have pictured in the next post...
Evidence supports Darwinism
I believe Glenn Simonsen’s June 16 letter contains factual errors, as well as a misrepresentation of scientific methodology.
He falsely claims that neo-Darwinism is based more on theory than on fact. Charles Darwin’s observations of nature have been conclusively proven accurate by the science of genetics.
Simonsen also falsely claims that “no scientist has a single shred of factual evidence showing how a lifeless molecule could have evolved into a living organism.” The formation of organic compounds using natural conditions present on primordial Earth has been achieved numerous times in the lab.
I understand that it must be frustrating for believers to be bombarded with empirically derived knowledge that conflicts with literal interpretations of their faith.
But faith is not a requirement in scientific study, which relies on objective observation and experimentation. Faith is only necessary when there is insufficient evidence to continue believing. Darwin’s findings do not fit into that category.
Larry Claassen, Lincoln
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools...
Barely Readable
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It's a Start
We spent the rest of the day talking together about philosophy of ministry ideas and sharing teaching ideas and topics. In addition, there were some important things we got settled as well. For instance, in our first unified decision, we decided that regular Folgers would be the coffee of choice around the office.
Fortunately (for Pastor Herman) I was at the station today and I was not available to interrupt his time in the office. He was broken in easy with a constant bombardment of calls from salesmen, exterminators (scheduled termite treatment), requests for rent assistance, etc...
I must confess, I got a little chuckle each time he called today. You see, yesterday Pastor Herman was asking me how the phones in the office worked. I guess he found out today - they work pretty well! I am so thankful that the Lord has provided another elder to help meet the needs here at Valley View.
I ask you to pray that the Lord would bless our ministry together. It is with great excitement that we fulfill our calling in His church and it is with joy that we look forward to working together. Please pray that the Lord would help us in our growth and that we would continue in unity together. It's starting well, he likes Folgers too!
Photo Service
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Visual Post
Pastor Jon
A Creative VBS
What a day we had yesterday. I praise the Lord for all the people that have worked diligently over the last couple of months to prepare for our Vacation Bible School. We had a great kick-off last night and served dinner to over 115 people. The decorations looked great and the fried chicken was delicious. The curriculum this year is "Answers in Genesis". If you missed out last night I encourage you to come tonight.
The youth have worked really hard on their drama presentations for the assembly times. I won't give away any of the story line but I do know that on the last night there will be a surprise ending. It is with joy that we have been able to see the youth group serving in the VBS ministry this year.
On an additional note, I spent some time in the morning service previewing some of the things that we would be discussing and learning as adults this week. The thrust of the morning sermon was on the importance of the doctrine of creation. We looked at Romans chapter 1 where God reveals what happens to those who reject this doctrine...
19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. 20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:... they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools... 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves...
It is obvious from this verse that God's eternal power and Godhead are revealed through the things that he created. Yet people rejected that, because even though they had knowledge about the things that God had made...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I had an enjoyable day at church this morning. I was working on my sermon for most of the morning but I stopped and took a break at 11:00 a.m. As I wandered down the hall I could hear the youth working on their skits for Vacation Bible School this week. The kids had done a great job of memorizing their lines and working on their props. I decided to take a few minutes to see how the practice was progressing. A few minutes turned in to a couple of hours.
The kids have five skits that they have learned for our “Answers in Genesis” VBS. The skits are clever, funny, and full of information. I think it will be a big hit this week. Like always though, volume was an issue. We tried to distribute wireless mics but that turned into a real hassle. After trying several things, the mics were scrapped and it turned in to a “pep” rally. I did my best to get the kids to yell their lines without losing their expression. After 30 minutes things had improved considerably!
If you live in the area, I encourage you to come by the church for our VBS program this week. The times are posted on the calendar page of our website.
The theme this week is on the creative work of God. The sermons this month will reflect the importance of the doctrine of creation. If you want a head start, read Genesis 1-3, Romans 1, II Timothy 3, and Acts chapter 17!
We hope to see you here,
Pastor Jon
Friday, June 11, 2010
A Welcome Note
The intention with this blog is to keep you up to date with the ministries that are going on in our lives. I hope this blog will be personal, challenging, and edifying to both those that read it, and those that write. Most of all I pray that the person of Christ (my Lord and Saviour) will be evident to all who visit. All readers are invited (and encouraged) to comment as they have opportunity.
I look forward to hearing from you either today or in the future,
God bless,