Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am excited about the things that we have going on this week at church! Not only do we have our second week of Kids4Truth training tomorrow evening but we also have an all church retreat at Botna Bend State Park this weekend.

The "official" church retreat begins on Friday evening after dinner but several families from church will be going out Thursday afternoon or evening. I am looking forward to canoeing, cycling, cooking over the campfire, and reading. (I'm sorry I couldn't alliterate that last one) I'm not sure of the Friday evening schedule but I'm sure it will include singing and smores.

Saturday I have the opportunity to speak before lunch. Now a couple of weeks ago I told the church that I thought I needed to do a better job of teaching the proof of scriptural truth. I shared with those of you that read this blog that many children are leaving the church when they get out of the home because we have taught "Bible stories" at church but we have not taught the Bible as an accurate "historical account".
In other words, most children and adults alike are familiar with "Jonah and the whale". To most people it just sounds like a cute story for kids. Nineveh? Who ever heard of Nineveh in real life? Have you ever picked up the paper and read about current events in Nineveh? Shouldn't Nineveh still be around? Didn't God spare Nineveh because they repented? Okay, few people read about world news in the paper. Yet Nineveh isn't even talked about on T.V.


Is it even that important? Does it matter if Nineveh was a real place?

Well, if it doesn't matter to you today, I trust it will matter to you this coming Saturday. I hope to see you there!


  1. You could cavort with creative characterizations of Christian authors

  2. Can't wait to see that!!!! Looking forward to the retreat even though we can't camp. Sounds like we are going to have a pretty good turn out.

  3. you did a whale of a job
