Wednesday, October 13, 2010

$.39 coffee, priceless

On a personal note, today is my father's birthday. We are sitting together at McDonalds this morning enjoying their free wireless high-speed (more or less) internet service. Dad likes to get up early and eat breakfast at McDonalds. I suspect this is mostly due to the senior discounts they offer.
$.39 coffee

Dad has computer work to do this morning. I knew that before I came. In fact, I came along so that I could work with my computer as well. To everyone else, we're just a couple of old guys sitting at our computers in a public place. We probably don't look like we're visiting much. To me though, this is quality time.
I have so much to be thankful for. God has appointed our days, I'm so grateful that this day has been appointed for us. Each day we spend together as family is a gift from our great God. Many people forget that each breath we take is at the will of God. By him, all things consist. Thank you Lord.

I don't know what the next year of my father's life will bring. I don't even know what the next year of my life will bring. Yet I am confident that, like each year before this, my dad will continue to be an example of a godly man. He will love his wife, he will continue to rear his children in the nurture an admonition of the Lord, he will pray, he will read his Bible, he will be involved in his church, he will spend time with his grandchildren, and he won't sit still.
In fact, he's supposed to be sitting across from me working on his computer. He's not. He couldn't sit still this long...

I love you Dad,


  1. that is priceless! You are incredibly fortunate.

  2. Thank you, Jon. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
