There is a liar in our midst. Unfortunately he has deceived a lot of people and most of them don't even know they are deceived. He has been tireless in his desire to destroy the church and the people in it.
Did you know that he has a track record of accomplishing destruction in other churches? Apparently he's very powerful and we're not the first church he has tried to abolish.
I don't think I've ever seen him but I hear he is good looking. In fact, he has been described as beautiful to look at. Yet when he opens his mouth and poison comes out, he sprinkles just enough truth in with what he says that people follow him. However, without a doubt, he is an enemy of the Lord and of our church.
Not only is he a liar, I have heard that he is a murderer as well. An unrepentant murderer. Yet he still has followers. In fact, many people appear to love him. They have even invited him into their homes. I think he's been in my house too. I guess I don't know for sure. If I had known he was coming I hope I would have tried to keep him out.
That doesn't sound hospitable does it?
Just so that you've been warned, I'm planning on naming him in front of the church this Sunday.
I wonder if he'll be there?
I hope not.
The suspense is killing me!!!