In Romans chapter 1 Paul talks about how people abandon the God of creation and "changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator..."
I believe the following story makes perfect sense when one considers the lie of evolution that has been adopted as truth in this country. Since we supposedly evolved from animals we now have to be politically correct when referring to our pets.
The Journal of Animal Ethics says calling the family dog a pet is simply derogatory. Instead, editors of the journal said owners should call their dogs and cats "companion animals."
According to the article, the term '"pets,' whilst technically correct in law, harks back to a previous age when animals were regarded as just that: property, machines or things to use without moral constraint."
And don't call rats, raccoons or any other woodland fauna "wild animals," or "pests." The journal asks people to call all those untamed animals "free-living" or "free-roaming."
*"We shall not be able to think clearly unless we discipline ourselves to use less than partial adjectives in our exploration of animals and our moral relations with them," the journal argued.
Veterinarian Jane Corkum said that the politically-correct terms might be a little overboard. But she said the idea of identifying an "animal-companion" as more than just a critter is important to most pet owners. "I don't find it an offense to calling them a pet because I think of my pet as a friend or as a companion, so I think it is just a word," said Corkum. "But I can certainly see why some people do want to get rid of it and just call them a companion or a friend or family member even."© 2004-2011 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Story posted 2011.05.10 at 10:30 AM CDT (KETV),shadow_vzw,verizon,DROIDX,2.2.1&speed=21952&version=1.1.0%22
*"think clearly"?
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools... Romans 1:22